Dead space unitology founder
Dead space unitology founder

dead space unitology founder

The Red Marker pedestal is created in a hurry to contain the quickly spreading necromorph outbreak and the research team on the colony fire it, killing themselves but forcing the Red Marker into dormancy, trapping the Hive Mind deep within the planet.Ģ446: The Ishimura launches for the first time and the Resource Wars begin on Earth. EarthGov takes this as a sign of the Marker being a potentially infinite source of energy, because they're stupid.Ģ315: The first Aegis VII outbreak happens and the entire colony is basically murdered by necromorphs. Horrible things happen, but not before researchers manage to use the Marker to create the first recombinant microbial life form (GRIBBLIES). There's nowhere they can test it on Earth, so they ship it out with a research team to the newly discovered planet Aegis VII. Simultaneously, back on Earth, EarthGov uses the codes yanked from Altman to reverse-engineer an imperfect Black Marker, known as the Red Marker because of its color and the material it's made out of. The events of Dead Space: Martyr happen and Altman becomes a Dead Space: Martyr in the name of Unitology, but not before he manages to sink the Marker.Ģ314: The prologue of Dead Space 3 happens. Late 2100s: Altman is born, DredgerCorp is foundedĢ214: Altman and his girlfriend Ada move to the Chicxulub crater and in co-operation with DredgerCorp dig up the Marker. Nobody knows what year this happened but according to local legend, the Marker has been down there as long as humans have. Prehistoric era: The black Marker supposedly crash lands on Earth, making a crater huge enough that it eventually terraforms into the Chicxulub crater in the Gulf of Mexico that also exists on real life Earth.

dead space unitology founder

I paraphrased some of the less important parts but this is the gist of it: So, if you ever wanted to know the major important Dead Space lore, just read this big post and it'll fill you in on the story so far.

dead space unitology founder

Here's the Dead Space timeline as it currently exists, rewritten from the Dead Space wiki's page on it.

Dead space unitology founder